Slowly and steadily I'm consolidating all my many social media and integrating onto my main site:

Still light on content and working out the kinks but do head over if you fancy keeping up with my goings-on. I'm trying to make it more inclusive, instead of just about my poetry/publishing life. So it might not suit your fancy anymore. But don't worry - I'm not easily offended!

All that to say, for the foreseeable future, aikowrites at blogspot will no longer be updated. 

So come along to!

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Slowly and steadily I'm consolidating all my many social media and integrating onto my main site:

Still light on content and working out the kinks but do head over if you fancy keeping up with my goings-on. I'm trying to make it more inclusive, instead of just about my poetry/publishing life. So it might not suit your fancy anymore. But don't worry - I'm not easily offended!

All that to say, for the foreseeable future, aikowrites at blogspot will no longer be updated.

Hello everyone!

A quick update to say that "Where Rockets Burn Through: Contemporary Science Fiction Poems from the UK" is now available to pre-order online:

Please check it out!

I'm super excited about this anthology and was very fortunate to be asked to submit a few poems for it.

Hello hello!

T-minus 2 months to wedding (less than this actually!), and so I have pretty much gone nuts with all the stuff still to do. Looking forward to the big day, but also looking forward to the delicious quiet that shall replace all this manic craziness.

The amazing folk at Sidekick Books/Fuselit/Dr Fulminaire fame recently asked me to read my poem Kappa, originally published in their Obakarama anthology about Japanese mythological monsters. 

They put it together with a wee video shot by Jon Stone, and it's now up on their youtube page, here!: 

Oh wait, check this out! Embedded!:

Definitely keep your eyes peeled for more videos and cool stuff coming out of the Sidekick Books HQ.

AMAZING news and also an invitation to a launch.

I was so surprised and flattered and honored to find out earlier this year that a poem of mine would be included in The Best British Poetry 2011, the first anthology in a new series being produced by Salt Publishing and edited by Roddy Lumsden.

The poem, 'Hitodama', was first published in the Japan issue of Edinburgh Review, for which I am very grateful to the then-editor Brian McCabe and to Jennie Renton.

Hello friends! Just a quick shout to let you know about the Birdbook launch in London this week (sorry for the late notice!):

Birdbook I: Launch event

Thursday, June 23, 2011

7:30pm - 10:30pm

Phoenix Artists Club on Charing Cross Road, near Tottenham Court Road station, London

Dr Fulminare's most ambitious Sidekick Books project yet! The first in a four-part series of books celebrating every British species of bird (or thereabouts - you never know when science will beat us) through art and

Very exciting news! Got my contributor copy of Birdbook I: Towns, Parks and Gardens in the post and it is AMAZING.

I'm very impressed! It's got a lovely embossed cover and colored endpages and is brimming with pairs of poems and art pieces on specific birds (of town, parks and gardens).

Things moseying along round here as usual. Flat hunting (to buy!) and wedding planning (venue sorted!). Still laying low as I get more life-admin sorted.


Firstly, I'd forgotten to mention I was featured in the Scottish Poetry Library newsletter, talking about what it's like to be a volunteer at the SPL and how I got involved. It's a great, friendly place to volunteer.

Hello! Apologies for huge blog-negligence. Everything has been quite manic and whirlwind the past couple months:

1. I got engaged! Handsome S proposed at the start of January so my head's been in the clouds since then.

2. I've been hibernating (ie. flat-hunting, car-hunting, visiting wedding venues & fairs, and dress shopping. WHEW!).

3. As you'll know, Japan had a massive earthquake & tsunami a couple weeks ago, which destroyed many cities in northern Japan.

Excellent news! Today in the post - my contributor's copy of Korsakoff's Paper Chain, the newest micro-anthology out from Sidekick Books.
About 'aikowrites'
About 'aikowrites'
My Photo
'aikowrites' is a place to archive my published poems.

You can read some of my poems online via links in the 'Poetry CV' section, or keep up with my latest publications (w/ details on how you can submit too!) from the main page.

For more about me & what I'm up to, visit:
Thanks for stopping in!
Poetry CV
Poetry CV
  • The Best British Poetry 2011 [9/1/11 Hitodama, first in Edinburgh Review]
  • Poetry Beyond Text [6/1/2011 'How you became the tree that became you' in PhD project for Lisa Otty]
  • Birdbook I [4/18/11 Dunnock/Hedge Sparrow, Buzzard]
  • Korsakoff's Paper Chain [12/10/2010 Sidekick Books. 'Dogged for the Last Time: The Great War']
  • Gutter, Issue 3 [06/28/2010 How Salt can be a Man]
  • World Cup Poems [6/11/2010 Five poems for Dave Coates/Al Innes World Cup Poetry project, 'No Horizon', 'Cork Oaks', 'Moon Safari', 'Estadio Nacional de Chile', 'Mimi'
  • Edinburgh Review [6/20/2010 Japan issue, 'Art of Folding', 'Jizo Bosatsu', 'Hitodama']
  • Edinburgh Review [3/5/2010 Japan: Review of Kenji Miyazawa Selected Poems]
  • Poetry Beyond Text [2/24/2010 'Growing Flowers' in PhD project for Lisa Otty]
  • newleaf 26 [12/21/2009 'Things You Told Me', 'On the day the streetlights went out']
  • Obakarama [10/28/2009, 'Kappa' for Fuselit Japanese monster Yokai anthology]
  • Edinburgh Review [10/25/2009, for issue 128: Czech; Vodnik, Hands, Mala Strana]
  • Aesthetica Magazine [12/1/2009 Creative Works annual, At the Airshow]
  • Open Magazine [10/8/2009 Things You Can Learn How To Be, At the Airshow, OC Fair, In Grandpa's shed]
  • The Syllabary [10/6/2009 'FuP' June July August]
  • Pomegranate #9 [9/28/2009 Golden Gai]
  • Read This Press: 'Masters' MSc Edinburgh Uni Chapbook 2009 [08/2009, Authenticity is a Bird, Hart]
  • Human Genre Project [08/20/2009 Ogbanje, Stones, A Cause Célèbre, The Illustrated Lady]
  • The Forest: Golden Hour Book Vol. 2 [05/09 Dragon Sculpting, Lunch]
  • Westwind [Winter 2009, Only Child]
  • Fuselit: MARS [04/09 Martial Arts]
  • Human Genre Project [07/31/2009 Ondine's Curse]
  • Letting Up Despite Great Faults [07/2009, lyrics for 'Pause' off new full-length album]
  • London Poetry Pearl Print Edition [07/19/09 The Pit, Castle Rabbits, Sugar Sculpting, Jackfish, Tower of Silence]
  • Poets' Letter [07/14/09 Counting]
  • One Night Stanzas [07/14/09 Ravine]
  • Bolts of Silk [07/14/09, July]
  • Poetry Super Highway [06/15/2009, At Thanksgiving, Packing, Hart, Elephants]
  • Anon [06/02/09 Vol.6, Mary Celeste, with audio]
  • DASH [04/17/09 When You Are Gone]
  • The Glasgow Review [04/09 In Favor of Weeds]
  • Nomad Magazine [03/09, Kichijoji & photos]
  • Textualities [05/01/09 Kingyou-sukui (Goldfish scooping), AUDIO]
  • DUO [05/09 collab Lucy Roscoe, Pigeons, Seahorse, In the Reference Library]
  • Poets' Letter [04/05/09 Ono]
  • Snakeskin: 154 [04/02/09 Caledonian]
  • a handful of stones [04/01/09 Heat]
  • Poets' Letter [03/26/09 Ravine]
  • Tontine [03/17/09 Mimicry]
  • Poets' Letter [03/17/09 Authenticity, Authenticity is a Bird]
  • Textualities [03/12/09 Red Planet, Night Out]
  • Poets' Letter [03/06/09 The Paper-knife]
  • Gloom Cupboard [03/09 Cathedral, Lilith, For Your Love of Robots]
  • Poets' Letter [03/09 Fireflies, After Annie's Box, Kingyou-sukui (Goldfish Scooping), In the Court of King Neptune, For Your Love of Robots]
  • Bottom of the World [03/09 Weathering, Buried Bones]
  • Skin Deep [02/15/09 Onsen]
  • this collection [02/14/09, Going Home, Between Lauriston Gardens and Lauriston Park]
  • Gloom Cupboard [01/15/09, #75, Frog Dreams]
  • Mesostics project [11/17/08, Alec Finlay/Ken Cockburn]
  • Tontine [11/19/08, Wk 9, Sleep]
  • Tontine [11/04/08, Wk 7, Pigeons]
  • Read This [11/08, #12, Aiko Do you Love me?]
  • Read This [10/08, online, Attack]
  • The Drum [2007, Umi-uma]
  • Poetry Beyond Text [6/15/11 Launch of Poetry Whispers at SPL]
  • Roxy Readings [6/30/2010 Launch of World Cup 2010 Poems reading]
  • Concise Ceilidh [06/27/2010: 1-2:30pm, reading at Main Point book store, West Port Book Festival]
  • Edinburgh Review: Japan launch [06/18/2010 Reading at home of Japan Consul General.]
  • Poetry at the ... GRV [3/14/2010 @7.45p reading]]
  • The Genomics Forum: How Science Inspires Poetry [1/13/2010 reading from Human Genre Project poems]
  • Shore Poets [10/25/2009 reading, at The Lot]
  • The Syllabary [10/10/2009 launch, reading]
  • The Golden Hour Book Volume 2 [9/25/2009 launch reading, at Blackwell's]
  • The Golden Hour [9/23/2009 reading, at The Forest Cafe]
  • Bowery Book Club [9/16/2009 reading, at The Bowery]
  • DUO Reading [08/26/2009 reading, 'Pigeons' for Edinburgh International Book Festival, in Peppers Theatre]
  • Anon Event [08/16/2009 reading, Peter Bell Books, West Port Book Festival]
  • Concise Ceilidh [08/16/2009 reading, at Main Point book store, West Port Book Festival]
  • London Poetry Festival [07/07-10/2009 Poet In Residence, reading 4 nights at Waterloo St John's Church]
  • DUO Reading [05/02/09 reading, 'Pigeons', Forest Cafe]
  • Meadow Bar [3/11/09 LLC Masters students reading]
  • UoE Prize-giving [3/11/09 reading, Mimicry]
  • The Golden Hour [12/17/08, reading, Forest Cafe]
Volunteer & Awards
Volunteer & Awards
  • Eyewear's Young British Poets list [6/24/2010 Named in Todd Swift's list of YBPs]
  • Anon [5/2010 Editorial Assistant, logging anonymous submissions for Issue 7]
  • Scottish Poetry Library.. Poetry Podcast [3/13/2010 with Ryan Van Winkle & Dave Coates]
  • Poets for Haiti [2/28/2010 Mercycorps volunteer via Carry A Poem campaign, Queens Hall]
  • Scottish Poetry Library [1/2010 start, volunteer frontdesk, monthly]
  • Roxy Readings [2/2010 start, web design & updating, outreach]
  • Carry a Poem [11/25/2010 'How I carry a Poem" Emily Dickinson poem online for Carry a Poem campaign]
  • The Fine Line [10/20/2009, short essay on 'How I Write' for Kate Gould, Editorial Consultancy]
  • Aesthetica Annual Creative Works Competition [10/19/2009, Poetry finalist for 'At the Airshow']
  • National Poetry Day Event [10/8/09 Poetry 'army', flyering poems in St. Andrews Square Garden, Edinburgh]
  • Luath Bookstall [07/06/09 start, bookstall design, implementation, coordinator]
  • SPL Poetry Army [07/08/09 flyer in St Andrew's Square Garden]
  • HWF event 2 [06/19/09 UoE Honorary Writing Fellows Event, brochure/publicity design]
  • Poetry Super Highway [06/15-06/21/2009, Poet of the Week]
  • Luath Press [05/2009, Internship, publishing company]
  • Tutors' Reading [05/06/09, bookstall coordinator]
  • University of Edinburgh Honorary Writing Fellows Event [03/24/09 Brochure & publicity design, bookstall coordinator]
  • Sloan Prize [2009, Edinburgh University, 'highly commended' for Shan Gran]
  • Grierson Verse Prize [2009 Edinburgh University, Mimicry, £650]
  • Poets' Letter [03/09 Poet in Residence]
  • James Tate Black Memorial Award [02/09, reader]
  • Kolkata: Book City [2009, copy-edit]
  • Edinburgh Review [01/09, 125:Turkey, copy-edit]
  • Stolen Stories [11/08, copy-edit]
  • National Poetry Day Event [10/6/08 Poetry 'terrorist', flyering poems in St. Andrews Square Garden, Edinburgh]
  • Textualities [10/08 start, Advisory Editorial Assistant]
  • Edinburgh Review [10/08 start, Advisory Board Member]
  • William Hunter Sharpe [2008, award £5,000]
  • Westwind [2003-2006, editorial/design]
Blog Archive